Looking together in the same direction.

Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.
by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver
"Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it."
Mary Oliver
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it."
Mary Oliver
Sunday, March 29, 2015
I smiled when I read this and had to share.
This is so true.
shared from Favorite Run
"I’m not the fastest, nor will I ever even be among their ranks. I’m nothing special, not really. But when I run, I feel like I can do anything and be anyone I wanna be, so no matter how slow I run, I’m still doing it. I’m totally okay with that!! Who is with me ???"
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
We're in!
This is where I'll be Oct. 25, 2015! Only seven months to train, so I'll celebrate today and start worrying about DC tomorrow.
PS, I just found out Kuldeep made it in, too. I didn't even know she had entered the lottery. Yay for both of us!
Our family lived in metropolitan DC from 1972 to 1979. I can't wait to do some sightseeing and revisit our past.
Mantra: Mission Preparedness.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
This is so good I had to share.
Most of us will settle for fine.
Most of us will stream mp3s instead of asking a friend to play the guitar.
Most of us will run on a treadmill at the gym instead of going to the park.
Most of us will watch 10 second videos on a computer instead of going to a play.
Most of us will eat something we can throw in the microwave instead of learning to cook.
Most of us will aspire to being known, to being famous for just a little while.
Most of us will be willing to be embarrassed, to hurt ourselves, if it means being known.
Most of us will be more concerned with that, with being known, than being remembered by anyone special.
Most of us will decide that it's too soon or too late in life to go after what we really want.
Most of us will never actually sit down and think about what we really want.
Most of us will spend more time reading status updates than we spend reading books.
Most of us will take more pictures of ourselves than actually looking at the world around us.
Most of us will take the one unique and precious life we've been given and spend it being, just ok.
Most of us will make do.
And you will meet most of us and when you do, remember this.
Be the few.
Be the few."
Most of us will stream mp3s instead of asking a friend to play the guitar.
Most of us will run on a treadmill at the gym instead of going to the park.
Most of us will watch 10 second videos on a computer instead of going to a play.
Most of us will eat something we can throw in the microwave instead of learning to cook.
Most of us will aspire to being known, to being famous for just a little while.
Most of us will be willing to be embarrassed, to hurt ourselves, if it means being known.
Most of us will be more concerned with that, with being known, than being remembered by anyone special.
Most of us will decide that it's too soon or too late in life to go after what we really want.
Most of us will never actually sit down and think about what we really want.
Most of us will spend more time reading status updates than we spend reading books.
Most of us will take more pictures of ourselves than actually looking at the world around us.
Most of us will take the one unique and precious life we've been given and spend it being, just ok.
Most of us will make do.
And you will meet most of us and when you do, remember this.
Be the few.
Be the few."
—Iain Thomas, The Life And Death Of Most Of Us
Monday, March 23, 2015
It must really be spring
The mud has dried on the trails so Charleigh and I are back out in the South Valley open-space park for our daily exercise. It is lovely hearing the birds again. Here are links to hear the songs and calls made by the Western Meadowlark and the Red-winged Blackbird.,,,,about the only ones I can recognize. They bring me back to my childhood.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Earworm of the day.
It is gorgeous out today, but I will have to start remembering to always carry water with me...it is Colorado, after all.
The trails are mostly melted and dry so I pulled out my oldest pair of minimalist slipper-like shoes to feel the trail beneath my feet. This song suddenly showed up in my brain and stuck. I hope you enjoy it. It brings me back to 1971! (I realize some of you weren't around then, you missed some good music.)
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Wildlife.....it must be spring.
As I said earlier, the weather has been spring-like this week. On Tuesday night when running around the lake I saw a beaver by the shrubs on shore....it was huge. I don't think I've ever seen one in the wild before. This morning I awoke to woodpeckers making holes in the siding of someone's house. On my walk yesterday and today I heard the unmistakable scree of hawks overhead. Today we saw a coyote...Charleigh hates them. I'm not quite sure how she can tell from a distance that they are not dogs but she KNOWS.
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We've got our Whoa faces on. Our coach, Danny, is kneeling in the front. |
The weather has been nice for a week now, and thanks to daylight savings time, I went back to speed group last night and the night before. I am in the orange long-sleeved shirt with the purple hat. We got to test-drive new Saucony shoes last night on our run. I tried the Saucony Zealot. (Cushiony, fit great, but a little too high off the ground for me, I like flat shoes). I also won a couple of pairs of Saucony socks and some earbuds. Afterwards we went to Nella's for frozen yogurt. It was a fun night.
The running wasn't too hard. 1 lap around the lake warm up, 10 times 30 seconds at 5k pace with 1 minute recovery, then 8 minutes cool down. I don't know my 5k pace, so I just run faster for 30 seconds alternating with 1 min. jogs. Speed is relative.
The night before at training group, Tom Tom GPS were there to demo their watches. I got to try their top of the line GPS Cardio watch which monitors your heart rate from the wrist strap....no chest straps required. It was set to vibrate whenever it was time to speed up or slow down on the intervals....no thought processes required. I loved continually watching my heart rate. I must be healthier than I think. My heart rate was in the 150s during the intervals, probably good for my age, but after we stopped, within 1 block of walking, it had dropped to below 70. Woo-hoo! At least I recover well.
If ever my current GPS watch dies I may look into getting one of these top of the line Tom Toms with all the bells and whistles. They are cool looking, too, but accordingly pricey.
Sorry for all the running tech this time, but I find it interesting and I love to try new products. I probably would have bought the Zealots after just trying them on in the store. It takes a run to find out what your feet really feel about them.
Note--I'm still the slowest out there, but I'm out there, and I'm not terrible. Most of the people are younger and there are several speedy kids, as well.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Monday, March 9, 2015
I'm working at this every day.
Happy Birthday Dean!
I run because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can't run, what they would give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them. I know they would do the same for me.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Happy International Women's Day!
Here are some good quotes by women to celebrate.
Champions keep playing until they get it right.----Billie Jean King
You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.----Margaret Thatcher
I'm not afraid of storms. I'm learning how to sail my ship.----Louisa May Alcott.
Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Charleigh's Angels
We are having sunshine finally for a few days! It is absolutely wonderful. Here is a picture of Charleigh stopping to make snow angels during our walk yesterday.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
"Combating arthritis means more activity, not less!"
Here is a good short video by Dr. Jordan Metzl explaining why.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
An update on the Caballo Blanco Ultra (See "Born to Run" article in previous blogpost)
This year's Copper Canyon 50 mile ultra was officially cancelled last week due to a drug-related double-murder. How very tragic.
Items of interest
If you have read the book "Born to Run" you may be interested in reading this article from Trail Runner magazine which explains where that group of people are today.
Matthew McConaughey has been signed to play the role of Caballo Blanco (Micah True) in the upcoming movie.
Here is a link to an interesting article questioning whether the junk food era is finally drawing to a close. Let's hope so.
Today is another cold, windy, winter day with snowfall of 2-5 inches predicted. We still have a couple of feet of snow and ice on the ground from the last two storms. Need I add that I am sick of winter? It has really done a number on my motivation. I just want to curl up in PJ's under blankets with a good book all day, My exercise-starved dog feels the same. We need some sunshine, and soon!
Monday, March 2, 2015
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