We had company for several days, so we stocked up on a few food items we don't normally have on hand, but that our visitors didn't get around to eating....specifically Corn Chips. I can't figure out why corn chips call my name if they are in my house. I imagine it is all the salt and high fat. We (Dean and I) did finish off an entire bag of corn chips over two days, and I paid the price. I felt sooo ill afterwards.
Just like building tolerances and resistances to drugs or medications, our bodies build up tolerances to the toxins from unhealthy foods. But when you haven't eaten those bad foods for a while, your body can no longer tolerate them to the same degree. This is a lesson I keep learning periodically, but never seem to recall. Maybe this time, I will. My body is used to eating real food and protests vigorously when I feed it much "pseudo-food." I guess that is a good thing.
According to family therapist Virginia Satir, we need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs for maintenance, and a minimum of twelve hugs a day to thrive. No wonder Americans are in such poor health! Most of us aren't even surviving. Hugs from me to you on Valentine's Day.
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