(daily ex. update, 2 short dog walks today, plus 4.5 mi morning walk. pm jog 1.1 mi)
Looking together in the same direction.

Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.
by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it."
Mary Oliver
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Friday, September 29, 2023
The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck “Up ahead they's a thousan' lives we might live, but when it comes it'll on'y be one.”
(ex. update, morning dog walk very slow 1.4 miles, pm dog walk very slow 0.6 miles, pm slow jog 3.1 miles)
Thursday, September 28, 2023
“The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one’s own.” ― Willa Cather
(daily ex. morning dog walk 1.2 miles, pm dog walk .2 miles, my dog is still limping and sore, trying Joint Chews. pm jog 3.2 miles)
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
“A person's a person, no matter how small.” ― Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who!
(daily ex. update, morning dog walk 1.2 miles, pm jog 3.1 miles. My dog is having serious joint issues, she cannot walk far and has difficulty with stairs. Will be trying joint supplements.)
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Monday, September 25, 2023
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Earth has no sorrow that earth cannot heal.----John Muir
Sometimes people leave you halfway through the wood.
(Lyric from No One is Alone, Into the Woods)
Sunday, September 17, 2023
It is solved by walking.---attributed to St. Augustine
We ourselves must walk the path.---Buddha
(daily ex.,morning dog walk 1.5 miles, pm slow jog 2 miles)
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Happiness is when you know your children have grown up to be good people.
(daily ex., morning dog walk 2.5 miles,pm slow jog 2 miles)
Friday, September 15, 2023
„If the skies fall, one may hope to catch larks.“ — Francois Rabelais
(daily ex. morning dog walk in the rain 1.6 miles, pm jog 5 miles)
Thursday, September 14, 2023
“Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away.” —Frida Kahlo, renowned Mexican artist.
(daily ex., morning dog walk 2.3 miles, pm slow jog 4.2 miles)
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
I don't want to look "young". I want to look powerful, and vaguely threatening.---Old Lady Gains
(daily ex. update, morning dog walk 2.5 miles, pm dog walk 0.5 miles, pm jog 3.5 slow miles, my dog is really stiff tonight. The CBD I ordered for her won't arrive until Monday.)
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” – B.F. Skinner
This is pertinent with the new threats AI brings.
(daily ex. update, morning dog walk 2.5 miles, pm dog walk 0.7 miles, pm jog 2.5 miles. My dog is getting slower by the day so will try splitting her walk into two, will also order some cbd oil drops for her and upgrade her food, she may be getting old but I don't want her to feel old)
Monday, September 11, 2023
Aldous Huxley / . "Experience teaches only the teachable."
(daily ex. update,morning dog walk 2.5 slow miles, pm slow jog 4.1 miles)
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Arthur Schopenhauer / . "After your death you will be what you were before your birth."
(daily ex., slow morning dog walk 3.1 miles, pm slow jog 3.5 miles)
Saturday, September 9, 2023
“It isn't the rebels who cause the troubles of the world, it's the troubles that cause the rebels.” ― Carl Oglesby
(daily walk, 3.5 miles, pm jog 1.1 miles)
Friday, September 8, 2023
Today's yoga pose is Downward Spiral!.
(daily ex. update, morning dog walk 3.5 miles. pm jog 3 miles. My treadmill has stopped working, my dog doesn't want to walk any more. I do do yoga every morning though)
Thursday, September 7, 2023
"The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour )lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.” Arnold Bennett
(daily ex., morning very slow dog walk 3 miles, my dog just didn't want to move today. pm jog 2.2 miles. The crab apples have turned red....soon the deer will be congregating to feast.)
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Still brilliant motivation
“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” – Archimedes
(daily ex., morning dog walk 3.5 mi, pm tm 2 mi, pm dog walk 1 mile)
The seasons are changing. It is the time of grasshoppers, biting deer flies, acorns, blooming goldenrod and rabbitbrush, and early darkness.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
“The historian will tell you what happened. The novelist will tell you what it felt like.” ― E.L. Doctorow
(daily ex., morning dog walk 3.2 miles, pm jog 3.3 miles)
Monday, September 4, 2023
“People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk” ― Stephen King
(daily ex, morning dog walk 3.5 miles, pm jog 1.2 streak saver miles ending 9 full years of streak running)
Sunday, September 3, 2023
“I am convinced that most people do not grow up… We marry and dare to have children and call that growing up. I think what we do is mostly grow old. We carry accumulation of years in our bodies, and on our faces, but generally our real selves, the children inside, are innocent and shy as magnolias.” Maya Angelou - Letter to My Daughter, 2009.
(daily ex. update, morning dog walk 3.4 miles, pm tm jog 3.1 miles, I think my treadmill is breaking down)
Saturday, September 2, 2023
“You can’t turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.” —Bonnie Prudden, rock climber, mountaineer, and pioneer in the physical fitness space
(daily ex. update, morning walk 4 miles, pm tm jog 4.5 miles)
Friday, September 1, 2023
Hope is such a bait, it covers any hook. Oliver Goldsmith
(daily ex., morning dog walk 1.2 miles, Hot! pm tm jog 5 miles)