Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Obstacle Illusions

     "It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily.  "So it is."  "And freezing."  "Is it?"  "Yes," said Eeyore.  "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately."   A.A. Milne. 
     On gloomy, dark days such as today, I become an Eeyore.  The glass becomes half empty.  I have to work at being a Tigger (bouncy) or even a Pooh (on an even keel, not too bright, and struggling with honey).  Sunshine, or its lack, immediately has an effect on my mood. 
     Rin and I were daring adventurers, the only walkers out in the snow and cold early this morning.  We only accomplished a mile.  I bundled and disguised my inner-Eeyore in two coats, mittens, boots, hat and hood.  Rin was her usual Tigger, snow-bouncing self.  Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy!

     We continue with our wheat-free experiment.  It has been two weeks now.  I don't feel too much different, although I haven't had that starving feeling that I get sometimes.  We really never did eat much wheat, as bread and pasta are processed, and we try to stick to whole foods. We will continue on for a week or two more before doing a wheat trial by re-introducing wheat.

     I mentioned getting a soy-milk maker as a Christmas gift.  I really enjoy the soy milk.  It is simple to make:  soak the beans for 8-12 hours, then it takes only 20 minutes in the machine.  Later today I am trying almond milk.  This is so much less-expensive than buying those "milks", and has the benefit of having no additives.

     We are only supposed to get a few inches of snow, so later today I will do some scooping.  It is relaxing once you get into the zen of it.  No thinking required.  It is that kind of a day.

     Wishing you a day filled with sunshine.
Each challenge is mine to overcome.  Life is full of obstacle illusions.
                                              Grant Frazier

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