Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Establishing a new normal.

     Running group was this morning....it has become a fun social occasion for us.  We run mostly on our own since we are slow, but visit with other runners before and after.  It is a fun way to start our Saturday, get to know new people, and to get exercise out of the way by 9 am.  Runners are all really nice people!
     We got rain last night.....big happy dance....and today we are experiencing a rare phenomenon called "humidity".  

Dean at the water stop.
Boulder Running Company/Tony's Run Group

     Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Diseaseproof blog discusses establishing a new "normal".  Wouldn't it be great if it was "normal" to eat a high-nutrient diet....to eat salads, veggies, fruit, instead of a pan of pizza, a bag of chips, or pieces of cake. Wouldn't it be great if it was considered "extreme" to eat a high-fat value meal or a chocolate cream pie?  We all have to stop buying into the mindset that eating for health is extreme.

     Marion Nestle's blog (www.foodpolitics.com) quotes Professor Sally Casswell from the School of Public Health at Massey University in Auckland in her letter to the journal, "The Lancet".  More Americans need to start thinking this way.
"Do we really want to continue to live in a world where the oversupply and marketing of tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy processed foods, and soft drinks is tolerated simply to allow continuing profits for the shareholders of the transnational corporations producing and distributing them, while the taxpayer funds the health services and pharmaceutical response to the ensuing disease and injury?"

     We need to just get angry at it all.  For us it helped to define "food" vs "food-like".  Food is real, unprocessed.  Food-like is not.  Food has nutrients, food-like does not.
     "Food is an important part of a balanced diet."---Fran Lebowitz

                              (Thanks to Jeremy F., reposted from Facebook)

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