Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Friday, April 15, 2022

"When friendship leaves us through death, we feel cheated in life. Life doesn't play fair, so I vow to win the game for us both."


  • “Tears are sometimes an inappropriate response to death. When a life
    has been lived completely honestly, completely successfully, or just
    completely, the correct response to death's perfect punctuation mark
    is a smile”

    ― Julie Burchill

     I lost a good friend today...a life lived completely.

(daily ex. update, morning dog walk 3 miles, pm tm 3.1 miles run.  ytd walk 227.2 miles.  ytd run 483.5 miles)

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