Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Bergan Peak hike

     9.7 miles hiked, Approx. 2000 ft elevation gain, 9700 ft elevation at the peak.  Sunshine for 7.5 miles, then pouring rain and hail turning the trail into a muddy creek.  It was an unplanned adventure!  It was also a good training hike.....Jen ran out of water, none of the rest of us had jackets or rain gear, only I had a hat for hail protection, my feet hurt letting me know I should get hiking boots instead of wearing trail shoes,  and we were all soaked, freezing and muddy to our knees. This is how we learn.

     Here are pics at the top while the weather was nice, and also of the storm blowing in. We didn't stop for picture taking after that.

     PS We met at the local WalMart to carpool to our hike.  As I waited at 7 in the morning, I found myself scanning the shoppers as they walked in, looking for guns. Sad.
     And WalMart had their US flag flying at half mast.

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