Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

'In that moment I loathed America' Mem Fox

The beloved 70 year-old Australian children's author describing her detention at LA airport at immigration:


Being American is now such an embarrassment.  I have friends who had "Not my president" shirts made for when they travel out of the country.

     A county commissioner in my own county complained about tweets, such as these, posted by my county's library.  They had also posted a book list of the 4 books Obama read to his daughters for father/daughter bookclub, and a list of books to read to learn about Islam.  The commissioner said he was shocked and that they were partisan. The library removed those posts.  Can you believe it?
     I bet they would have posted a book list of books 45 read to his daughters, but had he ever done so, they would have been "R" rated....and most likely he has never read a book.

     Here are some of the tweets deleted by my county's library.  Read now before freedom of speech is totally gone.  Are you offended by Meryl Streep rejoicing at reading books?   Republicans apparently are.

(saving the link so I know which county commissioner NOT to vote for)

Monday, February 27, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Amerithon virtual run/walk across the USA

Update,  I just reached Hercules Glades Wilderness Area in Missouri past Branson.  Next stop Fayetteville.  1179 miles left to finish this thing.

Clean Power Plan Repeal Would Cost America $600 Billion, Cause 120,000 Premature Deaths


Our fight song

We persist for the futures of our children and for all humanity.


For 45...
     "Nature never makes any blunders.  When she makes a fool, she means it."
                                                       Archibald Alexander

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, February 24, 2017

45's immigration crackdown could destroy US ag industry.


It is already destroying the travel industry.  No surprise here.  I wouldn't visit this country, either.

Melania would have been deported under new immigration rules.


Can we all say, "hypocrites?"

"More Republican lawmakers have been arrested for lewd conduct in bathrooms than trans people."

Bannon Admits Trump's Cabinet Nominees Were Selected To Destroy Their Agencies.

     If you had any doubt....

     So now we know why they are abolishing the EPA, Dept. of Education, the Federal Election Commission, ACA, and everything else. There will be no protections left in place.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

MIT researcher warns that half of US children will be autistic by 2025.

     And it is all thanks to glyphosate.  Please buy and grow organic whenever possible, and never get non-organic soy or corn.  Also, be aware that all the meat you eat has been fed non-organic soy and corn.



   Read this, if you still think 45 and his minions still have souls.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

45's deportation threats could cost the economy $5 trillion!!!

This is long but it is important.
This is where I stand. I feel that our 45th President, his Cabinet and administration, and the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real and active threat to me, my way of life, and all the people I love. Some people are saying that we should give Trump a chance, that we should "work together" with him because he won the election and he is "everyone's president." I am willing to do all of that if/when his policies seem reasonable. However:
•I will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years...
•I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid.
•I will not "work together" to build a wall.
•I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims.
•I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries.
•I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor.
•I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies.
•I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection.
.I will not deny Climate Change even as a massive iceberg is melting and breaking
as scientists around the world monitor its possible effects.
•I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands.
•I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people want to get their thrills killing them.
•I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone.
•I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive.
•I will not "work together" to slash funding for education.
•I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
•I will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns.
•I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage.
•I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way.
•I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts.
•I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women.
•I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons.
•I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics.
•I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention.
•I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred.
•I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it.
•I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition."
•I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression.
•I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny.
I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversight at any level of government.
•I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators.
•I will not support anyone that thinks its OK to put a pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans. And, it would run under the Missouri River, which provides drinking water for millions of people. An accident waiting to happen.
This is my line, and I am drawing it.
•I will stand for honesty, love, respect for all living beings.
•I will use my voice and my hands, to reach out to the uninformed, and to anyone who will LISTEN:
That "winning", "being great again", "rich" or even "beautiful" is nothing... When others are sacrificed to glorify its existence.

Please feel free to copy and share.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Funny post based on White House leak,

     I am re-reading George Orwell's "1984,"  which is so true it is truly frightening.  The following blog, with funny video, helps oppose the depressing facts occurring daily. (We should be so lucky that those NSA officials are correct and Trump will die in jail....maybe he can use the insanity defense...hahaha).

 PS On April 4th, some Independent movie theaters will be showing the movie "1984."   Brilliant.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

A man too racist to be a Federal Judge in the 80s is now Attorney General. Do you realize how racist "too racist" was in the 1980s? (seen on the internet)

Here is some scary stuff

“The greatest hazard of all, losing one’s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed.” ~ Soren Kierkegaard

     Be who you are.  Don't let the times change you.  Don't normalize the horrible.  Call politicians on their lies....every time.  Speak out against injustice.  Don't normalize. Don't lose yourself.

     Here are a couple of well-written articles.

     A proud republican on why he is joining the resistance.

     An open letter to Jason Chaffetz from someone who attended his town hall.

     Someone suggested "The Sound of Silence" remix by Disturbed as a protest song.  I absolutely love this version but wouldn't have thought of it as a protest song.
      A couple of lyrics do jump out at me, though:

"Fools" said I,
"You do not know, silence like a cancer grows

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made


Friday, February 10, 2017

FYI Amerithon virtual run/walk across America update

     I got my Space Capsule sticker today for reaching the Winganon Cement Mixer Space Capsule in Talala, Oklahoma.  Today is day 221, I've got 1327 miles to go.

     A twitter study showed the White Nationalist movement is growing much faster than ISIS.  It has grown 600% in 4 years.  They are the fastest growing terrorist group in America.  (Thanks Bannon, Trump, and Sessions)


[Update: It was written by Dr. Jonathan Giftos, the Chief Resident for the Primary Care/Social Internal Medicine residency training program at Montefiore Medical Center. 

     1/3 of America is non-white, 50.8 % of Americans are female.  See the problem here? Our country is run by old white male billionaires.  They don't represent me. Do they represent you???

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ― Muhammad Ali

we are the ones we have been waiting for
                           June Jordan

Poem for South African Women

Commemoration of the 40,000 women and children who, 
August 9, 1956, presented themselves in bodily protest against 
the “dompass” in the capital of apartheid. Presented at The 
United Nations, August 9, 1978.

Our own shadows disappear as the feet of thousands
by the tens of thousands pound the fallow land
into new dust that
rising like a marvelous pollen will be
even as the first woman whispering
imagination to the trees around her made
for righteous fruit
from such deliberate defense of life
as no other still
will claim inferior to any other safety
in the world

The whispers too they
intimate to the inmost ear of every spirit
now aroused they
carousing in ferocious affirmation
of all peaceable and loving amplitude
sound a certainly unbounded heat
from a baptismal smoke where yes
there will be fire

And the babies cease alarm as mothers
raising arms
and heart high as the stars so far unseen
nevertheless hurl into the universe
a moving force
irreversible as light years
traveling to the open 

And who will join this standing up
and the ones who stood without sweet company
will sing and sing
back into the mountains and
if necessary
even under the sea

we are the ones we have been waiting for

from Passion (1980)
and from Directed by Desire. The Collected Poems of June Jordan.
Copyright 2005 by the June M. Jordan Literary Estate Trust

Thursday, February 9, 2017

“These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.” ~ Thomas Paine (Born on this day, 1737)

     So I didn't buy the "Yet, she persisted," tshirt after further consideration, as cute and timely as it is.  I reminded myself that I am in a "do not spend on anything unnecessary" mode right now.....my own personal anti-apartheid movement.
     FYI... February 17 is National General Strike Day in defense of our nation's constitution.  If you care at all about the constitution or our democracy,  on that day at least, don't buy ANYTHING, don't go to work or school (if you can). Small acts done by millions of people across the globe will make a difference.

     Important article to read if you are still on the fence splintering your butt....

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Please send postcards to mitch mcconnell and the president ASAP;  the message being "Nevertheless, we persist," or "She was warned.  She persisted.  So will we. Apologize."

Senator Mitch McConnell
317 Russell Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510-0001

President Trump (or President Bannon, c/o donald trump)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

     I'm also sending one to our bought and paid for by DeVos gop senator Cory Gardner.

PS  I'm buying the t-shirt!

"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Yet she persisted."----I want that t-shirt.

     So you've heard that mitch mcconnell silenced the Honorable Senator Elizabeth Warren and told her to sit down, because she was reading a letter from Mrs. Coretta Scott King regarding denying a judgeship for Jeff Sessions.  This letter is part of public record.  Incidentally this is Black History month, and Jeff Session's racism is part of Black History and American history and plays a major part of why he should not be confirmed.
     Here is the Coretta Scott King letter.  Please read and share.

     The best thing I've read recently are the new internet nicknames for mitch mcconnell and paul ryan................Turtle-man and the boy blunder.

     Is your senator one of the gop voting to silence Elizabeth Warren?  If so, contact them.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

It keeps getting worse

Marco Rubio has voted with drumpf down the line.  Note that he has taken almost $100,000 from Betsy DeVos....more than any other senator.

Amid Russian hacking allegations the gop votes to eliminate the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can't be hacked:
In a little-noticed 6-3 vote today, the House Administration Committee voted along party lines to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can’t be hacked.
Given the threats to American democracy at this moment, the EAC needs to be strengthened, not replaced.

And on the same day Betsy DeVos bought her way into the cabinet as Sec. of Education, a gop lawmaker proposed legislation to abolish the Dept. of Education entirely by the end of 2018.
So Betsy DeVos was voted in to dismantle the Dept. of Education.  It all makes sense now.

Mahatma Gandhi “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

     Drumpf held his first VA listening sessions today to discuss problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs, but he didn't invite ANY veterans advocates groups! No VFW, no American Legion, no Disabled American Veterans.  

     Also, drumpf met with a sheriff's group claiming the US murder rate was the highest in 40 years.....actually it is at its lowest.  I'm getting very tired of all the lies and the people who don't call him on it. Luckily the press is catching on.

Dr. Seuss was very outspoken during WWII

Note the "America First" slogan re-adopted by the current administration.

A sad day for the revolutionary idea in America of public education for all. Oh, and that other revolutionary idea: The separation of church and state!

Republicans reminded us again today what they think of our children.....very little!
     Once again gop senators and pence voted with their personal pocketbooks instead of for their conscience, their constituents and the students of this country.  Please contact your senator if he or she voted for DeVos and let them know you will not forget this at the next election.
     Meanwhile, students are walking out in protest!  Good for them.  They are the ones who are being cheated by gop greed.

     She bought her Education seat from the greedy GOP.  I like the tweet that reminds us, that in other countries better than ours, this is called corruption.

     Thousands are protesting DAPL and Keystone in California.  The link also includes a video of a BIA officer beating an unarmed female water protector with a baton.

     A Sudanese medical resident at Cleveland Clinic is still unable to return to the US despite a judge overturning trump's unconstitutional travel ban.  Lawyers are suing on her behalf.  Another lawsuit we have to pay for because of drumpf!

     As many as 13.000 Syrians have been tortured and hanged in a Syrian prison since 2011.  We need to help these people, not keep them out.
North Dakota is centuries behind in civil rights and human progress, which you already know if you've seen the videos of the police brutalizing peaceful water protectors at DAPL.  Here is more proof in which century they are living.


The new gop FCC chair just blocked 9 companies from a program which would have helped people with the lowest-of-incomes to afford internet access.  The republican party loves to take from the poor and give to the rich, are you noticing this?

The vote is taking place today on whether to approve Betsy DeVos for Education Secretary.  She says her family has possibly donated $200 million to republicans.  She has never been an educator, she is against public schools and favors privately run charter schools.  She is against regulation and oversight.  But she has bought her nomination.  She has given $49800 to our Colorado senator Cory Gardner, and he is voting for her despite the wishes of Coloradans!!! And we are all taking note.

World's saddest Pro-trump rally draws 8 people.  Not a joke.

Woody Guthrie had Fred Trump, Donald's dad, as a landlord and wrote of his contempt for his racist policies.

Monday, February 6, 2017

97 mostly tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft are taking legal action against trump over his travel ban.  Add this to various state and city legal actions, you've got over 50 lawsuits in just 2 weeks.  You do know who are paying to defend the indefensible, right?  We are.



Wow...our real terrorism threat

     The FBI has found that White Supremacists have infiltrated law enforcement agencies.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Supreme Court Hearing 16-907

     I just read about this today.  It is a writ for a Supreme Court hearing about possible election hacking by Russia.  It is an actual case...you can look it up.  But the Supreme Court may not opt to hear it without public pressure and support. A republican supreme court will not even bother.  The media has not covered this at all. Please help get the word out...contact your representatives, your media.


     This could be the answer to solving the problem of America's fascist leadership.

“. . . The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive."― Thomas JeffersonLetters of Thomas Jefferson

The future is women:

     The rally I never got to yesterday to protect our Muslim neighbors....over 10,000 people were there.  It sounds like it was beautiful with great speakers, poets, and musicians. I'm so proud to be a Coloradan!

                        You've gotta love it!  

Watch this video for more

Saturday, February 4, 2017

     If it wasn't bad enough that No Dakota is trying to pass a law making it okay to "accidentally" run-over and kill protesters....
     A Michigan GOP official is calling for "another Kent State" to deal with campus protesters.

     Can you see where the GOP is taking us?  Legal killing of those exercising their Constitutional Rights of free speech.  And they aren't making laws to kill KKK protestors or NeoNazis...only those protesting unconstitutional acts.

Protect our Muslim Neighbors Rally

     I hurriedly made posters last night for today's Rally. They will get my point across. I'm guessing there will be more like 20,000+ people instead of the 200,000 for the women's march. There are 2 other protests going on, also, today in Denver in other locations. I could be surprised, though, and it could be much, much larger. Let's hope.
     But it turns out I won't be able to go to the rally! Wasted posters.  A family emergency kept me up all night and is keeping me home today.  The next rally is in 2 weeks to Defend our Constitution. I plan to be there.  I have friends going to today's rally so I will learn more about it later.
     It is so sad that in today's America we have to defend our Constitution against the so-called president.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Some things just never change

                                 shared from Standing Rock FB page

trump gop fascism is spreading to the states.  This is really egregious, and has happened in So. Dakota. Please read! The gop there has disregarded the state's voters and ethics.


I'm proud of my Swedish ancestry!


Woody Guthrie sings about Donald Trump


Has it come to this? Is anyone surprised? Actually it gives hope. America is desperate.

     A former Pentagon official says that a military anti-Trump coup is now possible.

In only 2 weeks....

52% of Americans want Obama back as president.  40% of Americans want trump impeached.

Your president, America.

     GOP, what have you done!

     Here is how to make your voice heard.  Call the Senate Committee on Homeland Security.  I got through this morning and left a voicemail.  Also, send the email.  Tell them no to Bannon being on the National Security Council.
One of the jobs of the NSC is to oversee a secret panel that authorizes the assassination of “enemies of the United States Government” – including American citizens. These targeted killings are fully authorized by law under the Congressional military authorization act following 9/11. There is no trial, no due process, and no public record of the decision or the assassination itself.
Just to recap the absurdity: the President of the United States has appointed a known propagandist, nationalist, and white supremacist to replace the highest military adviser in the country on a council that authorizes secret, legal, targeted killings of American citizens (and others) without due process.

     Phone # and email address below:
FEBRUARY 2, 2017
Dear Deborah,
We just learned that the Senate Committee on Homeland Security is taking calls about Steve Bannon's appointment to the National Security Council (NSC).
We’re told that they’re tallying calls.
You might get a busy signal but try, try, try again all this weekend. Leave a message if you get through to voicemail.
The number: 202-224-4751
Be sure to tell the committee that you believe no individual whose primary responsibility is political in nature should be allowed on the NSC or authorized to attend its meetings. Partisan politics have no place in our national security.
Thank you,
Your friends at the SPLC

PS On Thursday the GOP controlled house voted to overturn Obama's rule restricting gun sales to the severely mentally ill.  Can you believe it?

Also, in a predawn vote the GOP voted to repeal transparency laws for oil companies requiring them to disclose payments to foreign governments.  What is it with the dark-of-night voting by the GOP?  Why is everything hidden from the light of day?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Burnout is real

    I took yesterday off.....the news in America is too depressing to contemplate all the time.

Standing Rock this morning

     Another Wounded Knee just so a Canadian company can build a pipeline to bring Canadian oil to the coast to ship to China.  Why are we killing Americans and contaminating our water and soil for them and their jobs and their money?

     A 4 month old baby was denied entry to the US for her urgently needed heart surgery....her Grandparents and uncle are US citizens.  She may not survive the 90 day wait.

     trump has removed white supremacists from the terrorist watch list.  I wonder why?

     trump's nominee for supreme court started a "Fascists Forever" organization when in prep school.  Guess we know why trump picked him, as well.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February is Black History Month

     Wow.  Trump's Black History Month speech. This isn't any "I have a dream" speech.
A sign from the National Holocaust Museum correlated with current events.

Anne Frank and her family were denied entry to the US as refugees, too.

A Florida congressman just drafted a bill to completely abolish the EPA.  It isn't enough to sell off federal and National Park lands, and to drill in them.  They want to destroy the environment completely.

Unilever's brand Dove just released an "alternative facts" campaign in the UK mercilessly mocking trump and conway.  Our country, or rather trump's, is the butt of jokes everywhere.

Keep your eye on the big structural issues: Trump’s unconstitutional conflicts of interest (Article I, Section 9), his unconstitutional ban on Muslims (1st Amendment), the likelihood that Russian operatives didn’t just influence the election but affected the outcome (violating Article II, Section 1), his attack on the free press (1st Amendment), and his foreign policy of courting Putin, destroying NATO, and destabilizing the world -- which is why he’s made Steve Bannon a principal on the National Security Council.
Trump is a master at distracting attention. His showmanship, antics, and tweets are designed to be the news of the day. He turned his Supreme Court nomination into an episode of the Apprentice. But don’t for a moment lose sight of the move toward tyranny that lies at the core of this presidency. And fight it.
                                                                    Robert Reich

Ironically, today is National Freedom Day

     A 5 year old was hand-cuffed for 4 hours at an airport in America.  The Mother of a US Veteran citizen died because she was not allowed to return to America to get healthcare....she has lived here since 1995 and was away visiting family, and turned away at the airport.  A physician in Brooklyn who was visiting family in Sudan is not being allowed back home to care for his patients.
     Aren't you all feeling safer being protected from a 5 year old, an 80 year old, and a doctor?

     And the hypocracy of it all....no Muslim bans on the 7 countries where trump does business and where actual terrorists have come from....mainly Saudi Arabia.
     California is investigating Melania as it appears she likely is here illegally.  She worked here before having work visas.  She got a green card based on marriage in 2001, but wasn't married until 2005 to trump and "says" she wasn't married previously.

     We've all read about the voter fraud allegations he's made; then found out 2 of his family members are registered to vote in 2 states, and his voter fraud expert is registered in 3.