Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Injinji toe socks.....experiencing my inner hobbit

          I've mentioned my move to foot shaped shoes, but found that socks are still constricting my toes, which I hate.  While shopping at REI yesterday I saw these Injinji toes socks.  I know that runners either absolutely love them or absolutely don't.  I think I will be in the first category.  REI only carried black, but I didn't want to order cuter colors on Amazon without trying them first.
          Those are Charleigh-dog's toes in the upper right hand corner.

Update.....these socks are awesome!!!!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. —Marilyn Monroe

     My new shoes came  in the mail today from JackRabbit.  They feel awesome just walking around the house.  (They are the Altra Escalante Racer Tokyo, for anyone interested).  I hope they finish healing my foot. Finally there are shoes made in a foot shape, light weight, and with a zero heel to toe drop......just like feet!

“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes.” ― Walt Whitman

Friday, March 22, 2019

“Later that night
I held an atlas in my lap
and ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
It answered
Warsan Shire (Somali–British writer)

....but the words are all we have

One last W. S. Merwyn poem to contemplate for your weekend:

“We begin to say something that cannot be said. When you see on the front page a woman in Iraq who's just seen her husband blown up, you see her there, her mouth wide open, you know the sound coming out of her, a howl of grief and pain -- that's the beginning of language.

Trying to express that, it's inexpressible, and poetry is really to say what can't be said. And that's why people turn to it in these moments. They don't know how to say this, [but] part of them feels that maybe a poem will say it. It won't say it, but it'll come closer to saying it than anything else will.

I think there are always two sides, and one of them is the unsayable. The utterly singular. Who you are; who you can never tell anybody. And on the other hand, there is what you can express. How do we know about this thing we talk about? Because we talk about it. We're using words. And the words never say it, but the words are all we have to say it.” 
― W.S. Merwin

I'd like to thank my legs for supporting me, my arms for always being by my side, and my fingers....I could always count on them.

     The weather is nicer so I am trying to get back to running more.  I am 135 miles BEHIND schedule if I want to run 2019 miles in 2019....that is probably insurmountable for me, but I need to get back on a schedule anyway. I at least have to have my mileage deficit stop increasing. (My self motivation for today.)

Success is the sum of small efforts-repeated day in and day out.
                           Robert Collier

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


     I have gotten so much valuable objective medical and health information from Pamela Popper. She is the founder and president of Wellness Forum Health.  She has new podcasts twice a week. Here is one on scientific misconduct and fraud regarding statin drugs. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

More W. S. Merwyn

“Inside this pencil
crouch words that have never been written
never been spoken
never been taught

they’re hiding

they’re awake in there
dark in the dark
hearing us
but they won’t come out
not for love not for time not for fire

even when the dark has worn away
they’ll still be there
hiding in the air
multitudes in days to come may walk through them
breathe them
be none the wiser

what script can it be
that they won’t unroll
in what language
would I recognize it
would I be able to follow it
to make out the real names
of everything

maybe there aren’t
it could be that there’s only one word
and it’s all we need
it’s here in this pencil

every pencil in the world
is like this” 
― W. S. Merwin

(I've always felt this way about the blank pages in a book, but haven't viewed pencils as creatively)

Damn straight

Please don't eat them

“So this is what I am

Pondering his eyes that could not
Conceive that I was a creature to run from

I who have always believed too much in words” 
― W.S. Merwin

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Thursday, March 14, 2019

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” —Isaac Asimov

This is worth repeating.

And Grandkids!

(I'll have to start digging out from the blizzard bomb cyclone today.  It looks like we got maybe 10 inches or a foot of heavy snow on top of ice.....the sun should come out by Friday.  I never lost power unlike 100,000 other homes.  Stay safe out there.)

(Welp, scooped for 40 min. and dug a shovel wide path to the street.  My bicips and shoulders are trashed.  Hoping above freezing temps with sun tomorrow will finish the job.  It is mid March, after all.  I don't have to get my car out til Saturday)

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

     It was 60 degrees yesterday.  Today the forecast is for a blizzard "bomb cyclone," a real meteorological term.   Schools are closed in advance.  We'll see how it plays out.

Monday, March 11, 2019

And the moon looks just like this the past couple of nights.  And it does shine.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

“Live to the point of tears.” ~ Albert Camus

and stay close to people who feel like sunshine.

(Have a great weekend despite the return of severe winter.)
I know I'm not alone in this, but I am so sick of winter.