Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Sunday, March 24, 2024



He puts his cheek against mine
and makes small, expressive sounds.
And when I'm awake, or awake enough

he turns upside down, his four paws
in the air
and his eyes dark and fervent.

Tell me you love me, he says.

Tell me again.

Could there be a sweeter arrangement?
Over and over
he gets to ask it.
I get to tell.”

― Mary Oliver

(daily ex., morning dog walk 1.5 miles, morning yoga, pm tm jog 2 miles)

Saturday, March 23, 2024

 "I am so tired of waiting,

Aren't you,
For the world to become good
And beautiful and kind."
- Langston Hughes

(daily ex., 3 short walks=3.6 miles, pm tm jog 3.5 miles)

Friday, March 22, 2024

Hanlon’s razor: not attributing to malice what can likely be explained by incompetence.

Occam's razor: keep it simple, stupid.
Hanlon's razor: People make mistakes. This does not make them evil.
Hitchen's razor: If it can't be backed up, dismiss it.
Grice's razor: Understand the true meaning, not the face value.

(daily ex., morning slow dog walk 2.1 mi, pm slow jog 4.1 mi)

Thursday, March 21, 2024

“Dying is easy. Living is a pain in the butt. It's like an athletic event. You've got to train for it. You've got to eat right. You've got to exercise. Your health account, your bank account, they're the same thing. The more you put in, the more you can take out. Exercise is king and nutrition is queen: together, you have a kingdom.” — Jack LaLanne 1914 – 2011 CE

 Jack La Lanne had an fitness tv show from 1951 to 1985, the first and longest running nationally syndicated exercise program..  I remember watching him.

One of La Lanne's sayings was “If man made it, don’t eat it”.

(daily ex, morning dog walk 1.8 mi, pm tm slow jog 4.7 mi., I am 23 miles behind where I should be for the year)

Monday, March 18, 2024


 You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

                                        Inigo Montoya from “The Princess Bride”

(daily ex., morning dog walk 1 mi, pm tm jog 6 mi)

Sunday, March 17, 2024

That's the dance.

 "If you really want to be great at something, you have to truly care about it. If you want to be great in a particular area, you have to obsess over it. A lot of people say they want to be great, but they're not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve greatness. They have other concerns, and they spread themselves out. ... Greatness isn't easy to achieve. It requires a lot of time, a lot of sacrifices. It requires a lot of tough choices. It requires your loved ones to sacrifice, too. So you have to have an understanding circle of family and friends. People don't always understand just how much effort from how many people goes into one person chasing a dream to be great. There's a fine balance between obsessing about your craft and being there for your family. It's akin to walking a tightrope. Your legs are shaky, and you're trying to find your center. Whenever you lean too far in one direction, you correct your course and end up over leaning in the other direction. So you correct by leaning the other way again. That's the dance. You can't achieve greatness by walking a straight line."

— Kobe Bryant

(daily ex., morning dog walk 1.1 mi, pm tm jog 5.1 mi)

Sunday, March 10, 2024

“The creative adult is the child who survived.” –Ursula Leguin”

 The creative adult is the child who survived.

The creative adult is the child who survived after the world tried killing them, making them “grown up.” The creative adult is the child who survived the blandness of schooling, the unhelpful words of bad teachers, and the nay-saying ways of the world.

The creative adult is in essence simply that, a child.

(daily ex., morning dog walk 0.7 miles, pm streaksaver jog 1.3 mi)

Friday, March 8, 2024

International Women's Day


“If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.”

― Shirley Chisholm

Celebrate Women's history month by interrupting men with your unsolicited opinions and taking credit for their work. If they get mad about it, tell them they sound hysterical and need to smile more.

(daily ex., morning dog walk 0.9 miles, afternoon tm jog 5.6 mi, pm tm walk 3.5 miles, procrastinating to avoid working on my taxes)

Monday, March 4, 2024

Decide to be arc-benders

 Yes, the arc of the moral universe is long and it bends toward justice, but make no mistake it will bend far less severely and far more slowly if we simply wait for it to do so.

We are the arc-benders.
John Pavlovitz

(daily ex., morning slow dog walk 1.5 miles, pm slow walk-jog 5 miles)