Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween

Samhain Blessing:

The Wheel of the Year prepares to turn once more.

Now is the celebration of Samhain, the Final Harvest.

A time to do final preparations for winter,

Remember loved ones who have passed,

And celebrate the Witches' New Year.

All houses wherein men have lived and died
Are haunted houses. Through the open doors
The harmless phantoms on their errands glide,
With feet that make no sound upon the floors.

We meet them at the door-way, on the stair,
Along the passages they come and go,
Impalpable impressions on the air,
A sense of something moving to and fro.

There are more guests at table than the hosts
Invited; the illuminated hall
Is thronged with quiet, inoffensive ghosts,
As silent as the pictures on the wall.

                     Haunted Houses, H,W. Longfellow

(daily ex., morning dog walk only 0.3 miles, pm jog 4.8 miles)

Saturday, October 28, 2023

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

 Good Night! Tomorrow is a new day.

(Cold and snowy today, walked dog 1 mile over 2 walks, pm slow jog 2.2 miles)

Friday, October 27, 2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

“When a Clown moves into a Palace, he doesn't become a King. The Palace instead becomes a Circus.” A Turkish proverb.

 (daily ex. update, morning dog walk 1.5 very slow miles, my dog did better today; pm slow jog 4.5 miles,  autumn has arrived, it seemed the beautifully colored trees decided to drop their leaves overnight)

Monday, October 23, 2023

If animals spoke, humanity would cry.

 (morning dog walk 0.8 miles, my dog was just not able to walk far today, later I walked 2.2 miles, pm slow jog 2 miles)

Saturday, October 21, 2023

“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” ― Plato

 Another beautiful autumn day.  Morning walk 4 miles including dog walk, and fleet feet group walk.  Also a small walk at a fall festival where I scored a free pumpkin.

Monday, October 9, 2023

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.” ― Christopher Columbus

 A really nice quote from a really bad man. 

(daily ex., morning really slow dog walk 1.3 miles, pm slow jog 4.3 miles)

Sunday, October 8, 2023


“Growing up, I never knew a relaxed woman. Successful women? Yes. Productive women? Plenty. Anxious and afraid and apologetic women? Heaps of them. But relaxed women? At-ease women? Women who don't dissect their days into half hour slots of productivity? Women who prioritize rest and pleasure and play? Women who aren't afraid to take up space in the world? Women who give themselves unconditional permission to relax? Without guilt? Without apology? Without feeling like they need to earn it? I'm not sure I've ever met a woman like that. But I would like to become one.”

― Nicola Jane Hobbs

(dailyex. several short dog walks = 2 miles, 2 slow jogs = 6 miles)

Thursday, October 5, 2023


Luke and the Frog: An American Fairytale OR What It Feels Like to Be a Parent in America

Jasminne Mendez

On the Monday after Mother’s Day, 
after another mass shooting, 
I pick up my daughter from school 
and on the ride home while she munches 
on veggie chips and looks out the window, 
she tells me a modern day fairytale:

“Luke killed a frog today 
at the playground
during recess
the frog was small
not a baby frog
a teenage frog
because he had a medium-sized body 
not a small body
a green & blue medium-sized spotted body 
Luke stepped on it & stepped on it
until there was blood
& the teacher had to call the frog ambulance
& Luke was put on the naughty list
& I was the only one who yelled stop! 
Stop! Don’t kill it! 
but Luke wouldn’t listen
& the others joined in on the stomping
& I yelled stop! 
but no one would listen
& they stomped & stomped
& killed the frog 
& and it bled red
out of its eyes
out of its head
& it made me sad
& can we buy the frog flowers
because when someone dies they should get flowers
& Mami, what if that frog was supposed to be a prince 
but now he’s dead
& now we’ll never know”

(daily ex., morning dog walk 1.6 miles, pm slow jog 3.5 miles)

Sunday, October 1, 2023