Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Rock and Roll Denver race weekend

     5 K yesterday am, half marathon today. Up at 3 am to eat, walk dog, leave a little after 430 to drive to light rail, race starts at 7 downtown.  It is 32 degrees, so there will be a lot of standing and walking around freezing in the cold waiting for the start, then I'll probably be hot and overdressed while running once the sun is out.  Hope all the bands are great and motivate me.

I know not age, nor weariness nor defeat.    Rose Kennedy

Rose, I'm feeling all three this morning.

A lot of work for a couple of t-shirts and some bling, but I'm done.

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