Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Friday, April 3, 2020

No one is going to happy their way out of this, and that's OK

      I am a run-streaker and run every day.  Many days it is a super-slow jog of only a mile to keep the streak alive, more of a fast walk really, but it gives me purpose and a very minimum level of fitness.

      More and more people are streaking due to stay-at-home restrictions.  I read an article about this today and there were a couple of good quotes I identify with. Actually I identify with the entire article....maybe you will, too....see link below.

It’s a tough time for all of us —  some much tougher than others — but running every day is the key to keeping my sanity.

“No one is going to ‘happy’ their way out of this, and that’s OK,” says Boulder-based running coach David Roche, and co-author of “The Happy Runner: Love the Process, Get Faster, Run Longer.” “We can hopefully find the daily beauty in every little thing we have to do and that we like to do, and that includes running. If we’re forced to run inside or run around back and forth in a small area near our home, there’s so much gratitude to be found in those processes. Just the act of doing it can be rich.” 



  1. Great post, Deborah. Hubby and I get outside and walk around the neighborhood every day - him at a leisurely pace and me at a fast walk just to keep up with him. Don't know how we'd stay sane without. Thanks for the link. Great article and good to remember that yes, it is about the journey:)

    1. Great to hear that you are getting out there every day, too. We must stay healthy and sane through all of this.
