Looking together in the same direction.

Looking together in the same direction.
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart.

by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver

"Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it."

Mary Oliver

Friday, January 9, 2015

Reason enough.

"Lifestyle choices can raise or lower the likelihood that you'll have a healthier life and maybe a longer one.  But the only real guarantee in this life is that those of us who build our choices around a vegan ethic will leave the world a better place than we found it."  
                       Ginny Messina, the Vegan RD

    16 million Americans are now vegan or vegetarian and the numbers are growing rapidly.  It is now estimated that by 2050 America may be a "vegan country."

     12 percent of Britons are vegan or vegetarian, (20 percent of adults age 16 to 24).

The times they are a changing.

     Last night I went to the first of 15 "Fit in '15" meetings.  It is a group of like-minded people who desire better health, and are seeking motivation and support.  This first meeting was mostly introductions and sharing of back-stories.  It is amazing the similarities we all share despite an age range from 20s to 70s. Some are runners, some are walkers, one is coming back from a closed head injury, one is seriously depressed at turning fifty, one was wearing a walking cast, some just want to better their running speed.
     The group is open-ended.  No particular training plans, or nutrition plans. No diets. Just support, friendship, and common interests. Next week we will walk for an hour while we talk. I like that.....walking the talk.
     What could be better than a meet-up of like-minded people interested in health for themselves and their families!
      A 70 year old woman and her husband will be walking the 500 mile epic El Camino Trail across Spain this summer.  What a goal to put on one's bucket list!  So inspiring. That is what I seek.

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